
Manage the ACME Brewery API!

Since the beginning of this workshop, ACME has released two versions of its API. Let’s manage them!

  • Open your 3scale Admin Portal by copying this URL in your web browser and changing the userXY by your actual username.
  • Review the existing services and explain how APIs are versioned
  • If ACME needs to release a maintenance version “1.1” of its API, how would it materialize in the 3scale Admin Portal?
  • Create two application plans for the Beer Catalog API (PROD, v1.0): silver and gold.
  • Add rate limits to the silver application plan
  • Create a new test application consuming the silver application plan
  • Ensure the rate limits are applied
  • Pretend there is a security issue and suspend the application

To complete your understanding, explain how you would declare the v1.0 as deprecated and how you would help the consumer move from the deprecated v1.1 to v2.0.